Egypt suddenly announced a 15% increase of exchange rate and France’s riot spread to Belgium, so the export to the above-mentioned nations is risky in payment and delay! (2)

Author:      Date: 2019-01-24 10:14:36

Besides the above-mentioned commodities, the prices of cigarette, furniture and household appliances are estimated to rise 10% or so. No doubt, with the advent of winter in Egypt, the price rise is inevitable.

France’s riot has spread to Belgium.

France’s Yellow Vest Protest is becoming increasingly fierce, which has spread to many cities. Last Saturday, the protest demonstration in Paris abruptly evolved into the riot, which was rarely serious over the past several decades.

According to reports, the origin of the yellow vest protest was that the public was strongly discontented with Macron government’s increasing taxes, especially gasoline tax.

Considering that such riot was out of control, and resulted into traffic jam or shut-down, attention shall be paid to the goods to France.

In capital of Belgium Brussels, the protest demonstration also abruptly evolved into the riot. The “yellow vests” cast stones and firecrackers, and then overturned the patrol wagons, kicked them, and burnt them down. Compared with France’s “yellow vests”, they are even more exaggerated.

Due to sudden change of exchange rate and unceasing riots, foreign trade cargo forwarders shall pay more attention to Egypt, France and Belgium!