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Registration Agreement

Author:      Date: 2018-10-23 00:00:40

Respected users welcome you to register as a member of this website. Please read all the following carefully. If the user does not agree with any content of this Terms of Service, please do not register or use this website service. If the user registers through this website, it means that the user has reached an agreement with this website and voluntarily accepts all the contents of this service clause. Thereafter, the user shall not make any defense without reading the contents of the Terms of Service.

One. Confirmation and Acceptance of Terms of Service of Our Website

The ownership and operation rights of the services involved in this website belong to this website. The services provided by this website must be strictly implemented in accordance with the terms of service and operating rules issued by the website. The validity of this Terms of Service covers all products and services of this website. Users shall be bound by these Terms of Service when they enjoy any services of this website.

Two, service Brief

This website uses its own operating system to provide users with various services through the Internet. Users must: 1. Provide equipment, such as personal computers, mobile phones or other Internet access devices. 2. Personal Internet access and payment of fees related to this service.

Three. Users may not publish the following illegal information on this website

1. Oppose the basic principles set forth in the Constitution; 2. endanger national security, disclose state secrets, subvert state power and undermine national unity; 3. harm national honor and interests; 4. incite national hatred, discrimination and undermine national unity; 5. undermine national religious policies and promote cults and feudal superstitions. 6. Disseminating rumors, disturbing social order and destroying social stability; 7. Disseminating obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, homicide, terror or abetting crime; 8. Insulting or defamating others and infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others; 9. Containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.