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Registration Agreement (3)

Author:      Date: 2018-10-23 00:00:40

Eight. Refusal to provide guarantees

Users clearly agree that the use of information services is at their personal risk. This website does not guarantee that the service will not be interrupted. It does not guarantee the timeliness, security and the occurrence of errors of the service, but it will avoid errors within its capabilities.

Nine, limited liability

If due to force majeure or other reasons beyond the control of the site, the sales system of the site collapses or the normal use of the site leads to the failure of online transactions or the loss of relevant information and records, the site will assist in dealing with the aftermath as reasonably as possible, and strive to protect customers from economic losses, while avoiding such damage as far as possible. Happen.

Ten. Storage and Restriction of User Information

This website has the right to determine whether the user's behavior conforms to the national laws and regulations and the service terms of this website. If the user violates the service terms of this website, this website has the right to interrupt the service provided to him.

Eleven. User Management

Users are solely responsible for publishing content. Users use the service in accordance with all applicable national, local and international legal standards. Users must follow the following rules: 1. Using network services is not for illegal use. 2. Do not interfere with or disrupt network services. 3. Comply with all network protocols, regulations, procedures and practices that use network services. Users must promise not to transmit any illegal, harassing, slanderous, abusive, terrorist, harmful, vulgar, obscene and other information. In addition, users can not transmit information about how to instigate others to constitute criminal acts, information that promotes domestic disadvantage and involves national security, and information that does not conform to local laws, national laws and international laws. Unauthorized access to other computer systems is prohibited. If the user's behavior does not conform to the above mentioned terms of service, the site will make an independent judgment and immediately cancel the user service account. Users should bear legal responsibility for their online behavior. If users distribute and disseminate reactionary, pornographic or other information that violates national laws on the site, the systematic records of the site may serve as evidence of users'violation of laws.