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Registration Agreement (4)

Author:      Date: 2018-10-23 00:00:40

Twelve. Notice

All notices sent to users can be transmitted by announcements on important pages or by e-mail or regular mail. Amendments to the terms of service, service changes, or announcements of other important events will take place in this form.

Thirteen. Ownership of Information Content

The information content defined by this website includes: text, software, sound, photos, videos, charts; all content in advertisements; other information provided by this website for users. All these contents are protected by copyright, trademark, label and other property ownership laws. Therefore, users can only use these content under the authorization of the website and advertisers, but can not copy, re-create these content, or create content-related products. The copyright of all articles on this site belongs to the original author and the site. Anyone who needs to reproduce articles on this site must obtain authorization from the original author or the site.

Fourteen.  law

The laws of the People's Republic of China shall apply to the conclusion, implementation and interpretation of this Agreement and the settlement of disputes. Users and the website agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the court in which the website is located. In case of conflict between the terms of service of this website and the laws of the People's Republic of China, these terms will be reinterpreted in full accordance with the provisions of the law, while other terms will remain binding on users.